Friday 22 September 2017

Motörheadache @ Star and Garter 16/09/17 The Curse Still Rings True tour (Ethereal Dark's birthday bash)

Well what can I say. The past few months have been well for independent and tribute music. Yes, I said tribute music. Bands that dedicate to play songs from original artists are more than just 'the next best thing'. Here's why:

1) Well known artists like Rolling Stones, Take That etc can run £100+ a ticket, even standing. Even bands like Depeche Mode are expensive. An excellent tribute band will be much much cheaper, saving you a small fortune.

2) Bands like Siouxsie Sioux and The Banshees don't tour anymore. Hell, they parted seperate ways years ago. Lizzie and the Banshees have been carrying on that flame for the OG band for quite some time now (2012 to be exact).

3) Bands may choose to disband after a well known individual of the band passes away (usually the singer). This is true of Joy Division, Type O Negative, Nirvana etc. The other members may choose to form other bands (Joy Division to New Order for example), but often fans of the OG bands may not often like this new, and sometimes alien like sound. Enter tribute acts.

Motörheadache definitely fits the latter.

After Lemmy's death at the end of 2015, many fans and metal heads alike were at mourning. Celebrating the life and music of a great legend, now a Rock and Metal God. Motörhead were known for their intense, energy fueled gigs. A fantastic hard rock/heavy metal band has all that. Motörheadache has all that too.

The night started well with Maiden Iron. A fantastic tribute act to Iron Maiden. For those of you that like the CLASSIC Iron Maiden sound. These guys have you covered. "Close your eyes and it's 1985", as they say.

After a short break, we were then treated to the headliners of the evening's gig. If very loud music hurts your ears, then get prepared. Either with earplugs, or psych yourself up; because this is a loud and proud night that you will experience. If you have never attended a Motörhead gig before, then you sure are in for a treat, as the sound will have your ears ringing afterwards. However, it is worth it! The energy that Rob Campbell (as Lemmy) is able to convey really sets the scene. 

I cannot recommend that you go to see them enough. Expect great songs like: Iron Fist, Jailbait, R.A.M.O.N.E.S, Ace Of Spades, Overkill, Bomber and many more. 

What made the night more special was that it was the 30th birthday bash of one of my best friends: Ethereal Dark, co-founder and organizer of Manchester Vampire Guild [expect a blog post about these guys in the future]. For her birthday treat, she was made to get up on stage; but not before dragging yours truly with her, along with another lucky lady.

Ethereal, and her husband, Vanian, would like to thank all who attended this wonderful night. The gig would not have been made possible without the fantastic staff at venue Star and Garter, and the excellent bands that played, and making the night an awesome experience. Thanks also extends to the members of MVG who help to keep the scene going; to Ellen and Karl who help in organizing events and administrating on the Facebook group; and to DJ Bignickb (featured at event nights ArA and Black Planet) for photos and the after party. Without you all, this would not have been made possible.

Motörheadache are:

Rob Campbell - Bass and Vocals
David Nutter - Drums
Al Leach - Guitar

Deps for guitar is Ian 'Fast Hilly' Hill, and for drums Garry 'Magpie' Bowler.

For more info on Motörheadache, and up and coming gigs on their UK tour please visit:

source: myself 2017

created by DJ BigNickB

The birthday girl herself: Mrs Dark❤

 source: DJ BigNickB 2017

source: Kane 2017

source: KANE Red Monster on YouTube

Monday 28 September 2015

Rogue Frequency (an album review: Foetal Upon the Tiles part 1 & 2)

So many indie bands today are experimental in their sound and ideas when they first debut. The same can be said for Rogue Frequency. A prog rock band that formed in 2005 in Stockport, UK. When Spat Out by Machines came out in 2007 it sounded exhilarating and different to many other upcoming bands around that time. Especially with their first song 'Women R my Kryptonite'. 

It almost seemed as if they couldn't pull anything else out of the prog rock bag, but they have...

Foetal Upon the Tiles part 1 & 2 is refreshing to hear, and there a lot of songs, on both albums, that are well worth the attention. 'Faithful Judas' kicks off the first album. I really like the slow, mellow chorus compared to the verses. It just makes you pay attention. 'Valhalla' ends the first part beautifully: " A dedication to those that have passed before us..." To me it conjures images of Norse legends (the intro 'Cold Winds of Njord" sets the scene), Valhalla being the mythical hall of the dead that have fallen in battle Another song that creates mythos imagery is 'Wholesale Redemption', a song about red wine I've been told: "Liquid burns while Bacchus sings. Dancing Venus seducing kings." Continuing on the symbolism, and onto the second album, is 'Leaves Leave', a very autumnal feel and an important reminder that changes happen for a reason, and 'May' which is the month of the pagan festival of Beltane which greets the long, awaited summer. Pagan imagery aside there is 'Bitching Without Relief', an angry song about our modern world today, and how the singer is 'tired' of all it's negativity. I also see this song as a rant about the media, and how the singer will "come out of this much stronger."

On a whole, I do like both parts equally, although I do listen to part two more than the first. Probably because I love 'Leaves Leave', don't ask me why, but it reminds me of the Type O Negative album October Rust. Probably because of the autumnal feel I mentioned earlier. Both albums incorporate strings into the works, and that is quite rare for an indie rock band.

Do check them out on the links below. Rogue Frequency is a must for any progressive, indie rock listener.

Please help support this band, you can buy singles or the albums from:

Rogue Frequency are a three piece rock band whose members are:

Smithy Malone - Vocals and bass
Muskett - Vocals and guitar
Si Slater - Drums and percussion

Their influences range from Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and The Rolling Stones.

Source: Rogue Frequency 2008

Thursday 3 September 2015


Hello and welcome fellow music lovers! My name is Fieary (pronounced fee-A-ree) and my passion is music. I want to explore new, unsigned and lesser known artists. I would love to share them with you, and review the artists so that you know what they're all about. As well as reviews I hope to blog about any upcoming gigs and events, and maybe some interviews with cool bands.

In the meantime, if you know any underground artists out there that you feel need more attention please comment below or drop me an email. Same goes if you're in a band. I would love to hear from you and listen to what you do!

Keep on listening and farewell for now.

At Download 2014